Visual Basic | Sample Code
This sample code uses the free
MSXML 4.0 parser. You should download and install the latest version if you do not already have it installed.


Remember to set a reference to "Microsoft XML, v4.0"
(or greater) in your visual basic application.

You will need to replace the <xmlsacn> field with the
correct account number of your company.

You will need to replace the <xmlsuid> field with the
license access number obtained from Shipline Security.



In the following example we will send an XML message, requesting a quote from Los Angeles, CA 90021 to San Diego, CA 92050. The shipment is expected to contain 2 pieces with an approximate weight of 50 pounds. At the end of the process the message box will display our systems response with a price quote and an estimated delivery time.  

Sub xmlGetQuote()
  Dim objXMLhttp As New MSXML2.xmlHttp
  Dim objXMLfileSnd As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
  Dim objXMLfileRcv As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
  Dim strXMLsend As String
  Dim strXMLreply As String

   ' Build a sample XML formatted `quote` request.
   strXMLsend = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>" & _
   "<XMLST xmlns:xsi=''>" & _
    "<RequestHeader>" & _
     "<xmlsacn>44710</xmlsacn>" & _
     "<xmlsuid>446546456</xmlsuid>" & _
     "<xmlstrn>45hd89s87</xmlstrn>" & _
   "</RequestHeader>" & _
   "<Quote>" & _
    "<PickupZip>90021</PickupZip>" & _
    "<DeliverZip>92050</DeliverZip>" & _
    "<Pieces>2</Pieces>" & _
    "<Weight>50</Weight>" & _
    "<ServiceType>IMMEDIATE</ServiceType>" & _
    "<VehicleType>TRK</VehicleType>" & _
    "<Pickupdate>" & xmlDate(Date) & "</Pickupdate>" & _
    "<Pickuptime></Pickuptime>" & _
    "<Deliverdate>" & xmlDate(Date) & "</Deliverdate>" & _
    "<Deliverfrom></Deliverfrom>" & _
    "<Deliverto></Deliverto>" & _
   "</Quote>" & _

' Validate the document using the MSXML parser.
objXMLfileSnd.loadXML strXMLsend

If objXMLfileSnd.parseError.errorCode Then
' Do something with the error.
End If

' Send the XML message to Shipline Security.
objXMLhttp.Open "POST", "", False
objXMLhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/xml"
objXMLhttp.send objXMLfileSnd

' Receive and Load the XML response from Shipline Security.
objXMLfileRcv.async = False
loaded = objXMLfileRcv.loadXML(objXMLhttp.responseText)
strXMLreply = objXMLhttp.responseText
 MsgBox ("FIRST: Click `OK` to see the response in XML format...")
 MsgBox (strXMLreply)

' Parse the response.
If loaded = True Then '#<-- Begin parsing the response.

  'Sender unique identifier. #<-- Not required but used in this example!
  Set xmlstrnNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/ReplyHeader/xmlstrn")
   If Not xmlstrnNode Is Nothing Then
    xmlstrn = xmlstrnNode.Text
   End If

  'Shipment Origin. #<-- Not required but used in this example!
  Set OriginNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/Origin")
   Origin = OriginNode.Text

  'Shipment Destination.
  Set DestinationNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/Destination")
   Destination = DestinationNode.Text

  'Estimated Delivery Date.
  Set EstimatedDeliveryDateNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/EstimatedDeliveryDate")
   EstimatedDeliveryDate = EstimatedDeliveryDateNode.Text

  'Estimated Delivery Time.
  Set EstimatedDeliveryTimeNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/EstimatedDeliveryTime")
   EstimatedDeliveryTime = EstimatedDeliveryTimeNode.Text

  'Delivery Time Zone.
  Set DeliveryTimeZoneNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/DeliveryTimeZone")
   DeliveryTimeZone = DeliveryTimeZoneNode.Text

  'Confirmed Service Type.
  Set ServiceTypeNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/ServiceType")
   ServiceType = ServiceTypeNode.Text

  'Confirmed Vehicle Type.
  Set VehicleTypeNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/VehicleType")
   VehicleType = VehicleTypeNode.Text

  'Estimated Price.
  Set EstimatedPriceNode = objXMLfileRcv.selectSingleNode("XMLST/Quote/EstimatedPrice")
   EstimatedPrice = EstimatedPriceNode.Text

End If

MsgBox ("NOW!: Click `OK` to see the response after the message is parsed and we have our varibles set.")
MsgBox ("TRNS: " & xmlstrn & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Origin: " & Origin & vbCrLf & "Destin: " & Destination & vbCrLf & "E.T.A: " & FormatDateTime(EstimatedDeliveryDate, 1) & " (at) " & FormatDateTime(EstimatedDeliveryTime, 3) & " " & DeliveryTimeZone & vbCrLf & "sType: " & ServiceType & vbCrLf & "vType: " & VehicleType & vbCrLf & "Price: " & FormatCurrency(EstimatedPrice))

End Sub

Function xmlDate(inVar)
 If Len(DatePart("m", inVar)) = 1 Then
  If Len(DatePart("d", inVar)) = 1 Then xmlDate = DatePart("yyyy", inVar) & "-" & "0" & DatePart("m", inVar) & "-" & "0" & DatePart("d", inVar) Else xmlDate = DatePart("yyyy", inVar) & "-" & "0" & DatePart("m", inVar) & "-" & DatePart("d", inVar)
   xmlDate = DatePart("yyyy", inVar) & "-" & DatePart("m", inVar) & "-" & DatePart("d", inVar)
  End If
End Function